1. I am a child of God, married to a sweet loving husband, and I have four precious children.
2. My family lived in Goose Creek, SC for two years. I loved going to Kiawa Island beaches and the Charleston Market every weekend. Unfortunately, the schools in our town were atrocious, and I opted to be homeschooled the second year we were there.
3. I always knew I wanted a lot of kids, but really thought I'd have mostly girls. I'm so happy to have my boys now!
4. For years I wouldn't even walk out to check my mail unless I had make-up on. The sad truth.
5.I have a Root beer float almost every night.
6. My favorite fast food place to eat is Taco bell , and I love their fire sauce. (I only eat there once or twice a year, though.)
7. I was brought up rarely watching TV. My husband's family never turns it off. It's still a struggle for us now.
8. My hubby and I will have our 11-year anniversary this year in November.
9. When I was 20, I got to watch my younger sister jump out of an airplane.
10. I flew to CA every summer growing up. Pacific Grove, Carmel, Pebble beach...these are some of the most beautiful places on earth. The art galleries there inspired me.
11. Someday I'd like to live where it never drops below 70 degrees.
12. Heights terrify me. The last time I went on the biggest slide at Big Splash I seriously thought I might die.
13. I can't remember when I "got saved." I grew up in a Christian home and it was all we ever knew. God has always been Father, Redeemer, Savior, and Lord.
14.I'm extremely forgetful, and I burn cookies on a regular basis.
15. I'm extremely forgetful, and I regularly leave food in the microwave and discover it the next day.
16. I love coffee. All kinds.
17. Mexican and Italian are my favorite kinds of food. Chinese, Thai are my least favorites. A meal just isn't right without cheese!
18. I once left my purse in a different town nearly 80 miles away and had to turn around. Did I mention that I'm very forgetful?
19. I'm 5'6" and always wanted to be taller.
20. I've gone through three cell phones in the last 6 months.
21. I have a mole on my face and one on my neck that my boys like to touch when they are tired or upset.
22. When I was little, I used to drive my grandma crazy feeling of her elbows when she would rock me.
23. I can't sing. Even my 3-year old tells me so.
24. My doctor told me I was made to have babies. But then, after complications when The Artist was a year old, I was told I had about a 50% chance of having any more kids.
25. I have 20-some credit hours at JBU, most of which won't transfer....but they don't offer the major I want to switch to. Quite a dilemma.
26. I have never had a credit card, and never plan to.
27. I love the smell of vanilla, and bread baking.
28. I love art, museums, galleries and I wish I could regularly take painting and sketching classes. It seems to be the only way I find time to do any art.
29. Same goes for exercise. I love biking, hiking, swimming, walking, and even weight lifting... but I only find time when I'm part of a class.
30. My weight fluctuates by up to 10lbs a year, depending on holidays and visitors.
31. I look horrible with black hair. Bright red doesn't look swell either.And I can only do blonde in highlights.
32. My husband prefers my hair short.
33. We buy 6-7 gallons of milk a week.
34. I love my cottage home.
35. When I was a teenager, I pierced my own eyebrow, and seven holes in my ears.
36. There are bone growths in my mouth from clenching my teeth so much. I know, Nice.
37. I put our shed together in the backyard with a friend of mine, October. Hubby is not a handy man. October also helped me put my bike trailer together. Thanks, girl!
38. At JBU, I was first working towards a business major, but the classes were drier than toast and I couldn't take it. Then I went for an education major and psychology minor. My therapeutic interviewing class was the easiest thing I've ever taken. My New Testament class was my favorite class. Development classes are fun, too.
39. Meyers Briggs personality test says I'm an ENFJ (Extrovert iNtuitive Feeling Judging). I think.. did I mention being forgetful?
40. I make To-Do Lists almost every day, just so I can remember things. And I never go to the store without a list!
41. I like to write letters and cards to friends and family. I also make cards. Googly eyes are my trademark!
42. If it were up to me, we would not own a tv at all.
43. I love photography, looking at and taking pictures.
44. I'm a breastfeeding advocate.And I'm pro-homeschooling, pro-life, pro-marriage and generally just "pro-family." I'm in favor of parental consent for everything, and I think the government should really back off.
45. I'm a right-handed-watch-wearer.
46. I really like chocolate, but I try not to eat it. For years, I just told people I didn't like it, so they wouldn't give me any! I try to stay away from almost all fried foods, too. I can always hear my mom in the background, about what is healthy and what is not.
47. We have had a lot of financial drought over the last couple of years.
48. I want to be wealthy enough to be a blessing to other families in need.
49. There are at least 2 paint colors in every room as I’m very indecisive when it comes to home interior. I LOVE bright colors, polka dots, and anything cheerful.
50. I knew I wanted to marry my husband after our first date and most days I’m glad I got to.
51. Art is therapy for me. I love to sketch with my kids, paint, and make homemade cards.
52. I love trying new recipes.
53. I hate to drive.
54. I’m a terrible sales person, I don’t like to charge more than I paid. Hence the end of my Mary Kay career.
55. I struggle at being a compliant and submissive wife as I am have a natural born silver tongue.
56. I believe that God’s plans are grander than our own even if we never understand the difficulties we are going through.
57. I cannot stand most dogs or cats.... or any other animals, unless it's just observing nature or visiting the zoo. LOVE nature. Baby animals are fine, but I wouldn't take one home.As far as I'm concerned, animals are meant to be outside my home! ;-)
58. I used to love cream soda until I got preggie for the first time.
59. When I get angry I often cry.
60. I share drinks with others: my kids, hubby, sisters... whoever is thirsty.
61. I make daily lists. About everything.
62. I love wine, but rarely drink it.
63. My husband has more patience with me than I deserve.
64. I love to play board games, card games, pretty much any games.... except poker, because I HATE to lose money.
65. I punish myself by comparing myself to other moms.
66. I have many projects started that are cluttering up our home. My want-to-do list is bigger than my time-to-do list.
67. I love to go camping; it is truly down time for me.
68. I have never and will never deal with a litter box.
69. I hate cucumbers, but love almost every other vegetable and fruit.
70. Especially loves avocados. Mmmm...
71. I never had fried squash until I married into my husband's family.
72. I never had fried okra until I married into my hubby's family.
73. I'd never had mac and cheese from a box until I married into this family... you get the idea!!
74. Growing up, we had three sit-down home-cooked meals a day. Often it was a big wonderfully delicious chef salad with grilled chicken for lunch.
75. I was homeschooled off and on growing up. We were always given the option.
76. I homeschool, but do not plan to give my kids the option. I've prayed about this and I think God knows better than my kids.
77. My husband has one older sister, one older step-sister, one older step-brother, two younger twin sisters, and one younger half-brother. They range in age from, like 32-years old to 13-years old.
78. I feel like I'm getting frown wrinkles already, and I'm not even 30 yet.
79. We started attending an out-of-town church and we LOVE it. It's amazing to have a steady diet of God's Word in church.
80. I wish I had time to scrapbook.
81. I love to read, and love to read to my kids. My daughter also loves to read, but it's like pulling teeth for my 1st grade son.
82. My husband read classics to the kids every night. They are on Davey Crockett right now.
83. I have four kids, and I still stink at potty training.
84. I drink tea almost every day. I like chamomile or vanilla at night, and green tea or spiced chai during the day.
85. Thankfully, I never got stretch marks anywhere. YEA!
86. If I ever build another house, I'll put hardwood floors throughout and never deal with carpeting again!
87. I really dislike dishes. I'm not too fond of doing laundry either. Or mopping. I'd rather do cosmetic stuff like hanging pictures and painting.
88. I had never scrubbed a toilet until I got married.
89. I can't even imagine being without my kids all day.
90. My husband likes all kinds of music: country, gospel, contemporary Christian, hard rock, classic rock... somtimes this drives me crazy.
91. We had a little geo metro and the antennae was broken, so we could only get KLRC. It was great for him.
92. I love to french braid my daughter's hair, but she hates that.
93. My daughter has so many clothes that her closet rack collapsed. We just had to go through them all and pick out a LOT to pass on friends.
94. My 9-year old daughter and I can share a few of her shirts. I love it!
95. Both of my parents run marathons, but I can't even jog around the block.
96. I pronounced "minestrone" wrong for years.
97. I love to decorate, but I'm not a perfectionist by any means. I paint fast. I decoupage fast. I make things pretty quickly, and then move on to the next thing.
98. I love using photos in art...personalizing binders, puzzles, magnets, you name it. What kid doesn't love to look at himself?
99. I hate amusement rides. Boats. Airplanes. I get extremely motion sick.
100. I love the smell of Silver Dollar City.
101. One of my life goals is to learn to play the guitar.
102. I also want my kids to learn to play guitar.
What an amazing site you have! Thank you so much for the nice word about Caroline too! Blessings to you all from Lori & Galen
Hey Wendy. Chris Matchell turned me on to your blog, and I'd love to find out more about your family! We're new in town, from Chattanooga TN and originally from Charleston (one reason I felt I HAD to write to you!) and we plan to start homeschooling next year with our almost-5-year-old son. We also have a 2-year-old daughter. I loved reading your little quips about yourself and think we could have some common ground. My blog is momentsofours.blogspot.com. I'd love to chat sometime about homeschooling, family life around here, etc. Thanks!
- Jessica
Wow! This has been here for over 6 months and I didn't know it, LOL! ;0)
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